STAAD Foundation Advanced Help

Working with STAAD.Pro

In most cases the forces and moments on the foundation are given by the analysis of the superstructure. To ensure a seamless and efficient integration with the analysis software, STAAD Foundation Advanced includes an Import facility built into the program. This option allows you to import the support co-ordinates and forces/moments on the individual supports from a structural analysis software program.

Similarly, STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTseries 2) release 20.07.07 and later include a Foundation Design mode which can be used to export and update structural model data into STAAD Foundation Advanced. This option can be used to exchange the same data as the import

Note: You must first perform an analysis and design on a STAAD.Pro model in STAAD.Pro before importing the model into STAAD Foundation Advanced.

Things to Consider When Using STAAD.Pro

When a STAAD.Pro model is imported, the reaction signs are as per STAAD.Pro. STAAD.Pro does not report signs for SRSS method, hence there is no way for STAAD Foundation Advanced to have signs for SRSS load case.

Importing from different STAAD models in one foundation file is possible providing node numbers for supports are different, once the first model is imported, use the update model command to import remaining model.

Tip: For rigid foundations (i.e., isolated, combined, pilecap, etc.) the supported nodes in the STAAD.Pro model should be oriented to the top of the footing. However, for mat foundations, the supported nodes in the STAAD.Pro model should be modeled at the bottom of the footing.

Copy and paste STAAD.Pro load type using Excel

Using Excel is very advantageous as you can drag and drop load type for multiple loads. 1 in the first column stands for ticked checkbox, you can simply exclude the load cases by setting the value in first column as 0.

Initiating STAAD.Pro import from the Command Line

If you are programming routines and want to automate the import of STAAD.Pro output into STAAD Foundation Advanced, you can do so through the Windows Command Line.

The following syntax is used:

<location of STAAD Foundation Advanced executable> <location of the STAAD.Pro input file>

So, for example, if you STAAD Foundation Advanced program is located in C:\Staad Foundation Advanced\ and your STAAD.Pro input file is C:\SproV8i\STAAD\Examp\US\examp08.std, the following command may be used:

C:\Staad Foundation Advanced\staadfoundation C:/SproV8i\STAAD\Examp\US\examp08.std